November 15, 2002
The Honorable Exequiel B. Javier
Region 6, Lone District Representative
Antique, Philippines
Dear Sir:
The Pagtatap Foundation, an organization of native Pandananons, is asking for your help that is within your power to give. We believe that you have the understanding, the compassion, the resources, and the capacity to affect circumstances and effect changes.
The help we are seeking revolves around the implications derived from President Macapagal-Arroyo’s declaration on April 25, 2002, of the Northwest Panay Peninsula (that covers the municipalities of Nabas, Malay, and Buruanga of Aklan province and the municipalities of Libertad and Pandan of Antique province) as a Natural Park.
Ranked as one of the highest conservation priorities in the world based on the degree of endemism and threat (Oliver and Heaney, 1997), the President’s declaration has ensured the Northwest Panay Peninsula as a Protected Area pursuant to Republic Act No. 7586 otherwise known as the National Integrated Protected Areas system (NIPAS) Act of 1992. The President’s proclamation is a glaring testimonial that the Northwest Panay Peninsula is a highly significant piece of land that should be protected and left untouched in its natural setting. This speck of nature’s cloistered indulgence and virgin wilderness epitomizes nature’s way of benefiting earth and man by being:
a) the only source of potable water for the three municipalities;
b) the last significant tracts of lowland rainforest within the West Visayas Biogeographical Region;
c) a potential for eco-tourism due to the presence of Malumpati and Kenyang falls that serve as ideal recreational sites with six major caves within the area;
d) its forests harbor diverse species of both flora and fauna that include critically endangered birds and mammals unique to Panay Island such as the Visayan warty pig, spotted deer, and golden-crowned flying fox; the Visayan tarictic hornbill, writhed-bill hornbill, Negros bleeding-heart pigeon, Philippine hawk eagle, white-throated jungle flycatcher, Visayan flowerpecker, and the Visayan water monitor, to name a few;
e) a potential for medicines, foods, fibers, oils, and construction materials; and
f) according to DENR Secretary Alvarez, the area has been identified as an Extremely High-Urgent site for conservation of the country’s biological diversity.
As we reflect upon the wonders, richness, and abundance of the lush and serene landscape of the Northwest Panay Peninsula and its intrinsic and ecological importance to us, we feel that we are its caretakers with nothing but gratitude and protectiveness in our hearts. President Macapagal-Arroyo shared this belief with us and sealed her approval and support by her monumental proclamation.
The President’s gesture has brought forth a crop of hope and excitement in us who have taken upon ourselves the responsibility to safeguard our precious heritage. However, good resolutions acted out in the best of motives could come apart and crumble fast if they are not enforced and just taken for granted. Due to lack of enforcement, they will assume a hollow ring, succumb to their natural death, or get swallowed in our real world full of extortionists and predators.
Consequently, Pagtatap Foundation and the native Pandananons all over the world adamantly hold on to what was promised in the declaration and will exact that promise as rendered. Charged with this mission, we will continue to be vigilant especially because if the current rate of destruction continues on Panay, it is very likely that many species will be lost before they are even known to science (Gaulke and Curio, 2001).
This puts into perspective why we object to NAPOCOR’s proposal to build a diesel power plant in Patria. The power plant’s potential threats and long-range destructive implications are frightening. In addition, its location will be too close to our Peninsula’s “protected area,” if it’s not already part of it, for comfort. It will be set in our municipality’s last remaining vestiges of unspoiled beaches, vistas and terrain. The irony of all this is, instead of having been liberated by the President’s declaration from bondage, wanton vandalism and exploitation, we immediately get slapped in the face by a power plant that will be spitting contaminants and soot right in our backyard. This encroachment is a form of slavery that reeks of a blatant disregard for the law, the land, the environment, and the people’s right to live their lives on their own terms, on their own volition, on their own merit, and in their own safe and secure environment.
Nothing could be made whole again once it’s deliberately torn apart, be it a human being or a place. We trust that you are one of our allies who can help us turn the tide and shift the focus on preventing rather than on picking up the remnants of shattered lives, hopes, and dreams. We put our faith in you because you know how painful it is to lose one’s heritage; because you are the arm of justice for our province and will therefore see to it that our beautiful Northwest Panay Peninsula remains intact and protected; and mostly because you are there to give our townspeople the dignity to say, “I’m still here.”
“Justice without power is inefficient; power without justice is tyranny. Justice and power must therefore be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just.” When all the uncertainties had been stilled and justice has been granted, we will look up to you with pride, deeper respect and gratitude for having been an integral part of our struggle to keep democracy and freedom alive.
Very truly yours,
Robert Peter Alojipan, M.D.
President, Pagtatap Foundation, Philippines